Rudraksha is often believed to symbolize the link between earth and heaven, and though Hindu scriptures like the updated Jabal Rudrakasha Upanishad have made the berries their own, modern scholars and gurus have described them as being of no particular religion or rather non religious and have pointed out that they can be used as a mala, rosary or tasbih (sibah).
Though mired in obscurity so far, the Rudraksha is slowly but surely making its way into the lives of the health conscious human beings. Whether it proves to be a panacea remains to be seen.Says a researcher from Pune,India-: "I have found that Rudraksha helps relieving from blood pressure and lessening stress. Soak it in a glass of water overnight and drink it the next day to relieve stomach disorders. Dip it in any vegetable oil for 21 days, and apply it on your aching joints and feel the relief you get. Of course, most people who have tried this have done so along with their regular medicine," he adds. But one must approach the Rudraksha with a mixture of open mindedness and faith, rationalism as well as emotion, to get positive feedback that is why many who put it under their pillow have sworn that it cured them of their insomnia. Ancient medical texts claim that the Rudraksha can prevent aging and can prolong life. The beads are supposed to be anti - pyretic, anti paralysis and can help balance the vital chakras of the human body that control bile, wind and phlegm. It also has the power to heal those suffering from hypertension and heart ailments. Besides, as it is completely without any side effects it cannot do you any harm. That explains why the old medical literature allows its use for menstruating women while banning other beads and malas.
Among the 38 varieties mentioned out of which 21 are most conspicuous the rarest is the one faceted or one - mouthed (the one with a single cleft) Rudrasksha. Usually encased in gold and carefully preserved as a family relic by many, it indicates continued well – being and prosperity for the possessor.While the two - mouthed ones are supposed to have magical, mystic & Hypnotic powers - The powers of being able to influence others, the three mouth ones are said to bring good luck. Wear the four - mouthed one and be an object of desire for the opposite sex. But one more cleft and you will achieve salvation! The six faceted brings success in business and an absolution of most sins; the seven faceted makes one immune to attack by any weapon. Wear the eight faceted and try your luck of the draw for it is supposed to bring good fortune in ventures of chance - improving powers of speculation. Want to be the wittiest person around? Wear the 8 faceted – it will subdue your enemies in any war of words - enhanced and powerful communication skills. Wear it if you are a lawyer for it will win you court battles. Spare yourself (and your husband if you happen to be a married woman) from the evils of the world by wearing the ten - faceted. It will safeguard your security and that of your partners the list is endless. Rudrakshas are available in different colors white, red yellow and black. Wearing it is considered to be auspicious during lunar and solar eclipses, or on full or new moon days.
A person attains unlimited pleasure only by seeing Rudraksha. The persons wishing devotion and salvation should wear it after purifying themselves.It removes their numerous pains, sorrows, and calamities. Rudraksha fulfills all the wishes. It is peerless in the universe. If a person wears Rudraksha with love and faith, he gets rid of all sins and attains the supreme goal. As long as a man keeps wearing Rudraksha, he does not fear untimely death. He cannot die without completing his span of life. At the time of death he gets the true knowledge of Lord and His abode too. One should wear Rudraksha by all bits of efforts.
Thousand of persons who have worn Authentic Rudraksha beads have repeatedly confirmed that it has given them considerable relief from Blood pressure, Stress, Hyper tension, Depression & other mind related problems including neurotic conditions. Rudraksha has been found to boost the confidence and inner strength of the wearer significantly.The Rudraksha Beads have also been boosting the luck and prosperity of the wearer significantly. It is quite understandable as with enhanced self-esteem and confidence one achieves greater success in all ventures.
Surely Rudraksha are the wonder beads helping us lead a more successful and complete life. Buddha wore them, Gandhi wore them, and Dalai Lama wore them. So did Yehudi Menuhin, Osho Rajneesh or far that matter Many Hollywood and Bollywood artists. Probably the best of the berries ever produced in the world, the Rudraksha, courtesy a growing interest in alternative therapies, is catching on like never before.Though mired in obscurity so far, the Rudraksha is slowly but surely making its way into the lives of the health conscious – health of the body, mind and spirit. Whether it proves to be a panacea remains to be seen
Though mired in obscurity so far, the Rudraksha is slowly but surely making its way into the lives of the health conscious human beings. Whether it proves to be a panacea remains to be seen.Says a researcher from Pune,India-: "I have found that Rudraksha helps relieving from blood pressure and lessening stress. Soak it in a glass of water overnight and drink it the next day to relieve stomach disorders. Dip it in any vegetable oil for 21 days, and apply it on your aching joints and feel the relief you get. Of course, most people who have tried this have done so along with their regular medicine," he adds. But one must approach the Rudraksha with a mixture of open mindedness and faith, rationalism as well as emotion, to get positive feedback that is why many who put it under their pillow have sworn that it cured them of their insomnia. Ancient medical texts claim that the Rudraksha can prevent aging and can prolong life. The beads are supposed to be anti - pyretic, anti paralysis and can help balance the vital chakras of the human body that control bile, wind and phlegm. It also has the power to heal those suffering from hypertension and heart ailments. Besides, as it is completely without any side effects it cannot do you any harm. That explains why the old medical literature allows its use for menstruating women while banning other beads and malas.
Among the 38 varieties mentioned out of which 21 are most conspicuous the rarest is the one faceted or one - mouthed (the one with a single cleft) Rudrasksha. Usually encased in gold and carefully preserved as a family relic by many, it indicates continued well – being and prosperity for the possessor.While the two - mouthed ones are supposed to have magical, mystic & Hypnotic powers - The powers of being able to influence others, the three mouth ones are said to bring good luck. Wear the four - mouthed one and be an object of desire for the opposite sex. But one more cleft and you will achieve salvation! The six faceted brings success in business and an absolution of most sins; the seven faceted makes one immune to attack by any weapon. Wear the eight faceted and try your luck of the draw for it is supposed to bring good fortune in ventures of chance - improving powers of speculation. Want to be the wittiest person around? Wear the 8 faceted – it will subdue your enemies in any war of words - enhanced and powerful communication skills. Wear it if you are a lawyer for it will win you court battles. Spare yourself (and your husband if you happen to be a married woman) from the evils of the world by wearing the ten - faceted. It will safeguard your security and that of your partners the list is endless. Rudrakshas are available in different colors white, red yellow and black. Wearing it is considered to be auspicious during lunar and solar eclipses, or on full or new moon days.
A person attains unlimited pleasure only by seeing Rudraksha. The persons wishing devotion and salvation should wear it after purifying themselves.It removes their numerous pains, sorrows, and calamities. Rudraksha fulfills all the wishes. It is peerless in the universe. If a person wears Rudraksha with love and faith, he gets rid of all sins and attains the supreme goal. As long as a man keeps wearing Rudraksha, he does not fear untimely death. He cannot die without completing his span of life. At the time of death he gets the true knowledge of Lord and His abode too. One should wear Rudraksha by all bits of efforts.
Thousand of persons who have worn Authentic Rudraksha beads have repeatedly confirmed that it has given them considerable relief from Blood pressure, Stress, Hyper tension, Depression & other mind related problems including neurotic conditions. Rudraksha has been found to boost the confidence and inner strength of the wearer significantly.The Rudraksha Beads have also been boosting the luck and prosperity of the wearer significantly. It is quite understandable as with enhanced self-esteem and confidence one achieves greater success in all ventures.
Surely Rudraksha are the wonder beads helping us lead a more successful and complete life. Buddha wore them, Gandhi wore them, and Dalai Lama wore them. So did Yehudi Menuhin, Osho Rajneesh or far that matter Many Hollywood and Bollywood artists. Probably the best of the berries ever produced in the world, the Rudraksha, courtesy a growing interest in alternative therapies, is catching on like never before.Though mired in obscurity so far, the Rudraksha is slowly but surely making its way into the lives of the health conscious – health of the body, mind and spirit. Whether it proves to be a panacea remains to be seen
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